All Spruced Up! Towel Kit Sku: 68143

$7.50 $9.00
5 in stock, ready to ship
Kit is from the All Spruced Up! collection.
Each kit will make one Towel.
Kit includes the instruction, 1 Dunroven Hemmed towel and the fabric for the border strip.
We used PLF36. We cut our border stripe and cut a piece of interfacing the same size. Layer your fabric with interfacing with fusible side facing the right side of your fabric. Stitch 1/4" all the way around. Cut a slit in the interfacing and turn fabric right side out. Fuse to towel and stitch edge as desired. We did cut our interfacing and border stripe 2 inches longer than the towel and folded it to the back of the towel. You will have extra fabric to make more towels. Click to view our towels.